3 movies that involve skulls you can't afford to miss watching them!
The skull figure and as a concept of art has been around with us for centuries, even has made its own way into the most viewed motion pictures of all times.
So, let's take a look at 3 movies that involve skulls as the main theme around them:
Staring Joshua Jackson and Paul Walker, this movie is about a secret society (just like the masons) where a smart collage boy enters into this world. Inside this thriller you will see a lot of wealth, rich kids, politic issues and of course, skulls.
Kong: The skull Island
As all the King Kong movies, this movie is about as bunch of people that as explorers get into the skull island, where they just don't find a lost civilization, but a huge and aggressive King Kong.
Indiana Jones and the kingdom of the crystal skull
In this come back, Indiana Jones is in search of a skull made of solid gold by the amazons. The fact is that when he arrives to the place, the USSR Army is also looking for it and following his trail to find the treasure.
If you got inspired by this movies and you can't wait to add a new skull to your collection, go and take a look to our unique hand crafted pieces.